UNTRM continues to advance internationally through academic and scientific cooperation with North Carolina State University - NCSU of the United States of America


To establish agreements and strengthen international academic and scientific cooperation to promote undergraduate, Master and Doctoral programs, the President of the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas - UNTRM, Dr Jorge Luis Maicelo Quintana, and the Dean of the Facultad de Ingeniería Zootecnista, Agronegocios y Biotecnología, Dr Hector Vladimir Vasquez Perez, are currently in North Carolina State University - NCSU USA.

The UNTRM and NCSU have been articulating research and collaborative works with the Departments of Soil and Crop Science, Animal Science, Environment, Agribusiness, Engineering and Technology in the field of grassland ecology, pasture and forage, entomology, plant pathology, genetics and biotechnology, to allow international exchanges of students, teachers and researchers from the different academic programmes of the UNTRM.

North Carolina State University is among the world's leading universities in Engineering Science, Business, Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources, with over 35,000 students in 10 Faculties, 160 Masters and 60 Doctoral programmes. In addition, NCSU is a leader of an extension programme related to the productive sector and the government.

Our university authorities presented the studies carried out by the UNTRM researchers related to the international programmes, recognising research centres, laboratories and documentation areas, with the participation of lecturers and researchers from NCSU academic programmes as Dr Frank Siewerdt, Head of the Department of Poultry Science; Dr Adam Fachrenholz, Head of the Department of Poultry Science; Dr Adam Fachrenholz, Head of the Department of Poultry Science; Dr Adam Fachrenholz, Head of the Department of Poultry Science; Dr Adam Fachrenholz, Head of the Feed Program; Dr Gary R. Hodge, Professor of Forestry and Director of CAMCORE; Dr Miguel Castillo, Professor of Forage and Grassland Ecology; Dr Edgar Oviedo, Professor of Animal Nutrition; Dr Carlos Iglesias, Director of the Plant Breeding Programme, Dr Christie Almeyda, Director of the Plant Micropropagation Unit, and Dr José Cisneros and Dr Nabih Dahik from International Programmes.

Within the framework of this stay, the alliance of the NCSU to the UNTRM Master Program Genética y Mejoramiento Genético de Plantas and the Doctoral Program Ciencias para el Desarrollo Sustentable was established, with also the participation of Wisconsin University and Oklahoma University.

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Información de Contacto

Calle Higos Urco N° 342-350-356 / Calle Universitaria N° 304
Central Telefónica: 041-636400

Mapa del Campus Universitario Sede Central UNTRM

Dra. Carmen Huamán Muñoz

Funcionario responsable de brindar información institucional según Ley N° 27806