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Students and professors of UNTRM, participate in International Academic Mobility at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


In merit of the agreement signed with the Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos of the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil, a group of 04 students and 02 teachers from the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas participate in the International Academic Mobility in USP.

The students who are participating in this activity are: Constantino Cieza Segundo Jorge (Agroindustrial Engineering), Puerta Huamán Egna (Engineering in Agribusiness), Villoslada Coronel Luis Fray (Engineering Zootecnista) and Montenegro Cruz Jean Shino (Environmental Engineering), who were selected for their academic merits at UNTRM.

Professors Dr. Wilson Castro Silupú and Ing. Guillermo Idrogo Vásquez, are responsible for guiding International Academic Mobility at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

It is important to point out that International Academic Mobility is funded through the Agreement on Management Commitments signed with the Ministry of Education, which allows students to develop global learning competencies; in addition to strengthening the university's relationship with international public and private institutions and the development of networks in order to strengthen international cooperation.

"In UNTRM we strengthen the internationalization dimension, within the framework of teaching and scientific research, so that the university community is a participant and recipient of cooperation activities among international institutions," said UNTRM Rector Jorge Luis Maicelo Quintana Ph.D.

The Director of Technical Cooperation and International Relations, Mr. Carlos Poémape Tuesta, said that UNTRM promotes in an integral way the development of cooperation and internationalization activities through the promotion, diffusion and generation of national and international academic networks.


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