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Professors and students go to vote and elect their authorities and representatives

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In an act of civics and democracy, the Professors and students of the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, go, from very early, to fulfill their right to vote and to be able to elect their authorities and student representatives.

In accordance with the call realized by the University Electoral Committee, on the 9th and 10th of November there has been foreseen the achievement of the university elections in the UNTRM, to choose the Rector, Vice-Chancellors, Dean of the faculty of Sciences of the Health and the representatives students before the councils of faculty.

It is important to note that throughout this process, the University Electoral Committee counts the presence of representatives of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), who provide technical assistance.

According to the election schedule, the results will be known on Monday, 13 of the currents, when official results are published; On the other hand, the new authorities of the UNTRM, will assume its management on December 8, 2017, date in which this Superior house of studies achieved the definitive autonomy.

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Información de Contacto

Calle Higos Urco N° 342-350-356 / Calle Universitaria N° 304
Central Telefónica: 041-636400

Mapa del Campus Universitario Sede Central UNTRM

Dra. Carmen Huamán Muñoz

Funcionario responsable de brindar información institucional según Ley N° 27806