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UNTRM professor participate in short research stay in Mexico

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In merit to the agreement signed with the center of Research in Food and development (CIAD) of Mexico, the Professor of the Faculty of Engineering and Agrarian Sciences (FICA) of the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas (UNTRM), Efraín Manuelito Castro Alayo participate in the short stay program in this institution.

CIAD is located in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico, in research has as main objective to raise the productivity and quality in the generation of scientific knowledge through transdisciplinary research in groups and networks, while in innovation it tries to ensure that the results of the research will transferred and generate value for the private, social and governmental sectors.

Castro Alayo form part of the Project of the National Program of Agrarian Innovation (PNIA), entitled: "Development of an initiating crop to increase the efficiency of the process of fermentation of the native Creole cacao of the Asociación de Productores Cafetaleros y Cacaorteros de Amazonas - APROCAM."

The subject of participation refers to the Determination of the profile of volatile components of the aroma of creole cocoa of the Amazonas region.

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