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UNTRM performed the swearing-in ceremony of new authorities

face 2018

With the participation of professors, students, administrative workers and guests, the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas (UNTRM) held the swearing ceremony of the elected authorities for the period 2017 – 2022.

This important ceremony took place in the modern and new auditorium of the UNTRM on December 8, the date on which the anniversary of the institutionalization of this Superior house of Studies is commemorated. Dr. Policarpio Chauca Valqui was sworn in as Rector of the UNTRM, Dr. Miguel Ángel Barrena Gurbillón assumed the Academic Vice-Rector and Dr. Flor Teresa García Huamán the Vice-Rector for Research; for his part, Dr. Edwin Gonzáles Paco was elected Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The Rector of the UNTRM, during his speech, made known some aspects related to the process of institutionalization that the University lived, also invoked the entire university community to continue with the academic and research development of the same.

In another part of his speech, he acknowledged the work developed by the management 2014 - 2017, led by Dr. Jorge Maicelo, "we have a very big challenge in our work, the outgoing management leaves us with a very high fence, this commits us to have a vision regarding university development, "said Chauca Valqui.

The current authorities were elected on 9 and 10 November by professors and students and will have the responsibility to conduct the destinations of this Superior House of studies until December 2022.

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