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Regional Government of Piura and UNTRM sign agreement for genetic improvement

firma 1

In order to contribute to socioeconomic development and establish lines of intervention for the development of activities related to livestock and agriculture, the Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas (UNTRM) and the Regional Government of Piura signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement.

The subscription of the document in mention was in charge of the Rector of the UNTRM, Dr. Policarpio Chauca Valqui and of the Regional Governor of Piura, Eng. Reynaldo Adolfo Hilbck Guzman.

Among the actions to be developed as part of the agreement is to generate interdisciplinary research at basic, applied and strategic levels in the areas related to reproduction, genetic improvement, nutrition and food, preventive health, Animal welfare.

Also in management of sustainable production, systems in regional livestock farming; as well as to increase the capacities in the renewing processes related to the development of the biotechnology and its interrelation with the improvement of indices in the animal production.

The signing of the agreement took place on the campus of the UNTRM, where the Regional Governor of Piura met, who was accompanied by representatives of local governments and winners from the Piura region.

"One of the first activities to be developed in the framework of the signed agreement will be the identification of producers and associations to promote the generation of a genetic nucleus of cattle that will serve as a pilot for the improvement of the breed in the area", said the rector of the UNTRM Dr. Policarpio Chauca Valqui.

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