UNTRM researcher teacher obtains scholarship to develop an internship in science and technology in Sweden

Nota carlos arbizu

The UNTRM research professor, Carlos Arbizu Berrocal Ph,D., obtained a scholarship in the call “Internships in Science, Technology and Technological Innovation”, financed by Concytec through Prociencia to develop a scientific training internship in the Department of Plant Breeding at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), located in Sweden (Europe).

The objective of this internship is to make use of genomics and quantitative genetics to promote the development of genetic improvement programs in the Amazon region using modern techniques. Specifically, the aim is to decipher, as a first step, the genetic diversity of Peru's native crops, and then to know their genome through the sequencing and assembly of these plants.

It is important to mention that there are about 180 species of domesticated plants in Peru that deserve further study and use. Likewise, Dr. Carlos Arbizu Berrocal during his stay will write more scientific articles together with prominent scientists of high international renown from SLU. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences was founded in 1977 and is an entity strongly focused on research in the agricultural area. It is currently in the TOP 3 of the best universities in the area of ​​Agricultural and Forestry Sciences in the world.

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