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A new scientific achievement: scientists of UNTRM, a peruvian university, successfully clonned for the first time the Peruvian Paso Horse


The Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza (UNTRM) is the first institution to clone the Peruvian Paso Horse (PPH), which was recently born. This landmark places UNTRM among the leading institutions in successfully using the somatic cell nuclear transfer technique for equine cloning at a worldwide level.

UNTRM successfully achieved the birth in Peru of the first clone of the national equine breed, the Peruvian Paso Horse, through nuclear transfer of somatic cells (cloning) technique. This method allows preserving the genetics of top animal species, obtaining genetically identical individuals for subsequent use in conservation and genetic improvement programs.

Cloning consists of introducing the nucleus of a somatic cell into the cytoplasm of an egg that has been previously enucleated to obtain a zygote, which is cultivated in vitro during seven days to develop a blastocyte. Then, it is transferred directly into a previously prepared recipient mare.

Animal scientists at UNTRM used an epithelial tissue of a PPH named “AV Ejecutivo”, which was donated by the Peruvian Paso Horse Breeders Association located in the geographical department of Piura (northern Peru). Fibroblast cells of “AV Ejecutivo” were obtained for the generation of embryo clones and these were then transferred to Creole mares (recipients) for their pregnancy under the climate conditions of the geographical department of Amazonas. After 332 days and through natural birth, the foal was born in good health, as shown by its physiological values within normal parameters.

This important achievement was possible due to the multidisciplinary team made up of researchers and members of the Instituto de Investigación en Ganadería y Biotecnología (IGBI) of the Facultad de Ingeniería Zootecnista, Agronegocios y Biotecnología (FIZAB), as well as the key collaboration of strategic partners. Furthermore, the available scientific equipment, as the result of the continuous improvement policies that UNTRM has been implementing, was crucial to the development of this biotechnology work.

The Peruvian Paso Horse is an emblematic symbol of the Peruvian culture and is recognized for its elegance and particular gait, considering a unique breed in the world. Therefore, UNTRM is heavily focused on conducting more cutting-edge research on this equine breed, contributing to its adequate preservation and improvement.

This scientific landmark situates Peru at the level of countries that successfully implement this technology such as Australia, USA, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Italy and Colombia; demonstrating our skills as a country to compete and collaborate worldwide and to contribute to global progress in the conservation and breeding of animal species.

It is worth remembering that last June 2017 UNTRM conducted the first somatic cloning of cattle, resulting in the birth of the “Alma C-I” clone. This precedent paved the way for the current achievement: cloning the Peruvian Paso Horse.

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